Café Tobi means homemade mostly vegan food made by love from Tobi. The food is made to be enjoyed by friends and loved ones, which will keep bunnies happy, as no one needs to eat one for these awesome dishes.
Chief Cook
Tobias is in his real life a software developer, but he enjoys cooking even more than making a silicon rock believe to be able to think
CDO - Chief Dumpling Officer
Someone has to be responsible for the dumpling, that person is a very special person
CBO - Chief Bunny Officier
Fleckchen is the real bunny boss, she is responsible that all other bunny are keept in place
CQA - Chief quality officer
Goldi is the bunny who loves to eat the most, food is her true desire, she is the one responsible for eating all things
Just Brownie
The smallest in the trio just doing her things.